Olivetti Quaderno
Jasný, myslel jsem neveřejně konkrétní provedení, ať tu nemáme vystavené úplně všechno.
Zapojení disketovky jsem objevil.... Je spíš problém s konektorem, ale tam se bude dát improvizovat. Piny mají stejnou rozteč jako SMD integráče, tak si možná nechám z tenkýho plošnýho spoje udělat "něcojakokonektor", hezký to nebude, ale fungovat to bude..
zapojení LPT a FDD:
Both the Quaderno and Quaderno/33 use the JAE Tx20A-36R-D25F-A1LP
36-pin "mini" female connector as a combined printer/FDD port.
(The male half-pitch connector is part number Tx20A-36PH1-D2P1-D1.)
When looking into the connector, the pins are numbered as follows.
Odd pins on top, even pins on the bottom, ordered right-to-left.
\ 35 ..... 3 1 /
\ 36 ..... 4 2 /
The pin assignments of Quaderno and Quaderno/33 are almost same. The
different pins are 20, 34, and 35. These pins are GND on the Quaderno.
They are used for FDD power on the Quaderno/33.
Half of the pins, 1 - 18, are used for the printer. The rest, 19-36,
are used for the FDD. If you want to make your own printer cable,
the column on the right shows the pin numbers for a 25-pin D-SUB
female connector (Note: pins 20 and 23 are no connection).
Half-pitch JAE connector D-SUB Printer connector
------------------------ -----------------------
1 STB 1
2 P_D0 (Printer Data) 2
3 P_D1 3
4 P_D2 4
5 P_D3 5
6 P_D4 6
7 P_D5 7
8 P_D6 8
9 P_D7 9
10 SP_ACK 10
11 SP_BUSY 11
12 PE 12
13 SLCT 13
14 AFD 14
15 ERR 15
16 INIT 16
17 SLIN 17
18 GND 18
19 GND 19
20 (no connection!)
20 VFDD (FDD power: Quaderno/33 only) 21
22 FDTK0
26 FDDS1
27 FDMO1
30 reserved (make no connection)
34 VFDD (FDD power: Quaderno/33 only) 22
23 (no connection!)
35 FDDINS (FDD power: Quaderno/33) 24
36 GND 25
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